Supply one PIM for every eight VIP3D.x units to provide a direct interface between the VIP video detection modules and any NEMA TS-2 compliant controller unit.
The PIM unit shall support up to 64 channels of detection. The PIM unit shall meet all the environmental requirements of the NEMA TS-2. FARO As-Built for Autodesk Revit 2019.1 Win64 MEscope 2019 Visual STN VT-950 TransMagic Complete R12.22.400s Win64 XLSTAT Perpetual 2019.2.2 Win64 Altair Inspire Cast 2019.3 Win64.
Structure Studios VIP3D Suite v2.511 圆4 IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2019 v21.0 Update 1 SP1 Win64.
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